Drupal 9 was released on June 3rd and it's the greatest Drupal release ever and still the easiest to upgrade to if your site is up-to-date in the latest 8.x version.
One of the greatest things of Drupal is Drush, the command line tool that was created to administer (and develop) Drupal. Out of the box Drush allows you to run a big number of commands to administer your site
I'm a Drupal developer who have been using composer since a lot of time ago. I wanted to take a look on how to setup a Wordpress project using composer to take advantage of all the goodness it brings to the projects.
Last week I attended Costa Rican Drupal community meetup and one of the sessions was about the speaker's journey with Drupal. This made me start thinking a lot about my own history with Drupal so I got motivated to put it down and write about it.
Last weekend global Drupal community celebrated Drupal 9 Porting Weekend to speed up contrib modules to get a Drupal 9 compatible release. The date was chosen in honour of the cancelled DrupalCon Minneapolis.
We usually don't want to break already existing functionality. We usually don't want to break already good-looking stuff. That's there where visual regression testing comes to the rescue: it allows you to compare 2 sets of screenshots and find the differences between them.
Breadcrumbs have become a service in Drupal 8; so, in order to customize the breadcrumbs programatically, you need to create a breadcrumb_builder service and define when your service class applies to create the breadcrumbs and actually build the breadcrumbs using the interfaces and functions provided by the API.
Nowadays, Docker is the new cool kid on the block. This is an awesome tool that allows you to create containers in seconds. Given its greatness, people is using it around the world to develop locally.
In order to do this in Drupal 7 we use the libraries module. For Drupal 8, this keeps being the right way to do it; however, this module is in a huge change process and it's not totally well documented, that's why making this the first time is a real challenge.
As a company that develops sites mainly in Drupal, we had long felt that it is our duty to encourage contributions to Open Source projects, since it's for Free Software that we exist as a web agency.